2J9JT5M Paris, France, May 23, 2022, Emma Raducanu of Great Britain during her match against Linda Noskova of Czech Republic in the first round of the Women's open on day two at Roland Garros on May 23, 2022 in Paris, France. Photo by Laurent Zabulon/ABACAPRESS.COM Credit: Abaca Press/Alamy Live News
2J9JT5M Paris, France, May 23, 2022, Emma Raducanu of Great Britain during her match against Linda Noskova of Czech Republic in the first round of the Women's open on day two at Roland Garros on May 23, 2022 in Paris, France. Photo by Laurent Zabulon/ABACAPRESS.COM Credit: Abaca Press/Alamy Live News
Emma Răducanu va fi prima miliardară a sportului britanic. Ce abilitate are tânăra de 19 ani. ”Nici o altă vedetă sportivă nu poate face asta”